The Legend of Golden Fern


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Not so far from here, in fact just a row across Commencement Bay, there lies the beautiful island called Vashon. Many of you have been there, no doubt, and you know well of its sleepy little farms and emerald forests; and the biggest strawberries the eye has ever seen!

But few know of the quirky little hamlet called Golden Fern on the banks of Quartermaster Harbor where the old, old fishers live. There are no roads to it, and even the sharpest kayakers who stroll close to the shoreline fail to notice it nestled among the madrona trees. But it’s still there, and the fortunate few who have happened upon it have never desired to leave.

In the days when the old fishers of Golden Fern were very young, still so young that they ran away from the hermit crab for fear it would take them prisoner in its shell, they would watch their parents and grandparents swim into the harbor with nothing but a basket.

Get the full story of The Legend of Goldenfern, complete with illustrations, on our Amazon store!

Copyright 2006 by Kalina Kucera. All Rights Reserved.

About the Author

Kali has been creating stories, plays, operas, and other imaginative experiences for over 40 years. After serving as a performer, educator, publisher, activist, and mobilizer, including founding the Tacoma Poet Laureate program, Kali emigrated to Ecuador to open a new frontier of his creative life, where he continues to write stories today. For more information, see

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